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Free Podcast Recording Session


Book Your Podcast Recording Slot On My Calendar Below:


I am looking forward to hosting you on the Podcast. Please book your slot on this calendar, and we will chat with you online via Zoom.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me directly.

What To Expect:

There are no costs at all for the recording, and you are welcome to promote your business, brand products and services.
The podcast is distributed to 14000 people across our email and LinkedIn database via email, Youtube, iTunes and Spotify.
The database consists of business owners and individuals across the following sectors:
  • Agricultural
  • Motor and Automotive
  • Petrochemical
  • Online and eCommerce
  • Manufacturing
  • Business Opportunity
  • Distribution
  • Wholesale and Retail Sector
  • Building and Construction
  • Mining and Minerals
  • Music
  • Online Influencers
  • Engineering
  • Logistics
  • Healthcare Industry
  • Aviation
  • Health, Safety and Fire
  • Waste and Recycling

Sample interview questions:

These may be amended to suit the message you want to convey and the products or services you want to be highlighted.

1. Tell us about the origins of your business and how you got started in this industry?

2. What makes your business unique and sets it apart from competitors in your industry?

3. How would you describe the mission and values of your business?

4. Can you walk us through your typical business day and responsibilities as a business owner? 

5. What do you think has been the key to your business’s success thus far? 

6. What challenges have you faced while building your business, and how have you overcome them? 

7. What can customers or clients expect when they choose to work with your business?

8. Where can people reach you?

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